Monday, October 10, 2011

Fruit cupcakes for autumn

Autumn arrived a while ago, so it's time for some rich cupcakes to keep you warm.
For these occasions I love them to taste like fruit tartlets but I use dried berries instead of fresh fruit to create an autumn-like taste.

What you need for 12 Cupcakes:
125g butter
1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
150g sugar
2 eggs
150g dried berries (mixtures of berries taste much better than just cranberries, for example, but actually you can use any berry you like)
70g sliced almonds
100g flour
50g self-raising flour
60ml milk

Just mix it all together and fill into cupcake papers. Bake for about 35 minutes on 160 degree Celsius.

For the frosting:
30g butter
80g creme cheese
240g icing sugar

I spread some raspberries and blueberries on top, but you can also use dried berries. When you're finished sprinkle the whole cupcakes with icing sugar. You're done! ^.^ Enjoy your cupcakes ♥


  1. Die Cupcakes sehen wundervoll und wirklich lecker aus! Ich liebe es zu backen, daher denke ich, dass ich das Rezept auch bald einmal ausprobieren werde :) Vielen Dank für diesen tollen Post!

  2. DIe muss ich mal ausprobieren!! *-*
