Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Special! ~trick or treat ~

When witches go riding,
and black cats are seen,
the moon laughs and whispers,
‘tis near Halloween.
-Author unknown

 Hello my dears!

Halloween is always a huge event for me, so I decided to make a little Halloween-"cakes of hell"-special. 
I don't really like lying cakes, when they are not supposed to be 2D, I like them to be 3D :) (except these round cakes with several layers)  A car-cake should stand on its wheels and not look like you used a giant cookie cutter. So I wanted to make it look 'real', and a gravestone seemed like the perfekt shape! 

It's a quite complicated recipe that it's 'just' a vanilla cake, but it tastes better than the normal/simple recipes. (otherwise it wouldn't be a *special* ^.^)
What you need for the cake:
200g butter
200g sugar
200g strong flour 
4 eggs
for the flavouring:
about 70g sugar 
seeds from 1/2 vanilla pod
5 tablespoons water

You need to bring the water and sugar to the boil, and then you stir in the seeds.
Just mix the other ingredients together and add the flavouring after it's chilled. 

You're finished when it looks like this!

Paint oil in a 20cm Springform pan and then fill in the dough. Bake for 25-30 minutes on 180°C, until a fine skewer comes out clean. 

After the cake is chilled, remove it from the springform pan and then cut out a gravestone-like shape. Be careful when you lift it up!
Now cut off a bit of the sides, so it stands up straight ^.^

You're going to spread buttercream on all sides (except the bottom), so here's what you need for the buttercream:
125g butter
125g icing sugar
seeds from 1/2 vanilla pod
(pinch of salt)

Just mix it all together and spread it on the cake. 
I hate to roll out marzipan, so I bought a marzipan mat and cut out the shape of the cake. Place the marzipan on top of the buttercream and set aside for about 2 hours. 

What I used for the decoration:

I also added a bit icing sugar

I just spread in on top of the marzipan and painted R.I.P. with food colouring on the marble-like surface. Ooh, the cake is so frightening o.o! I'm sorry I couldn't make any better pictures of the whole cake, but the guests of my Halloween Party were already eating it :D ♥

how it looks inside

Me as a ghost bride on the Halloween Party. Sorry that it's so fuzzy!

With best regards,


  1. The gravestone-cake is absolutely amazing, it looks incredibly real! I hope you had a fun Halloween with your friends :)

  2. It looks sooo goood *O*

  3. @Victoria Rosenkranz: Thank you! We had a lot of fun :)
    @black-sui: Thanks!
